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Cyrtosperma timikense

Cyrtosperma timikense is a very rare species from the swamp forests of Papua. The leaves can reach 2.5 meters and have a ribbed surface.

The species was only described in 2020, after a population was discovered near the town of Timika in southwest Papua just a few meters above sea level.

Little is known about the species, but it appears capable of withstanding fairly extreme humid conditions. The plant regularly produces an inflorescence on a long flower stem. The bract of this inflorescence is brown-purple in color and can reach a height of 2 meters due to the long stem.

It is a tropical species which requires very high humidity with a minimum of 70% and a tropical temperature. The plant develops a rhizome, from which new shoots emerge.

Non contractual photo.

Cyrtosperma timikense


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